Events and Courses Listing

Supervision of Underground Projects with Deep Excavation & Bored Tunneling And Safe Entry & Work in Confined Spaces Entry & Work (2nd Edition) 4th Run (Conducting via Virtual & Physical with Buffet Lunch at Cafe) - REGISTRATION CLOSED

20th - 21st Jun 2024
9:00AM - 5:45PM -
Orchard Hotel
442 Orchard Rd 238879
Fully booked
STU (Safety) 2
STU (Structural) 6
PDU (CEng) 10
PDU (PEB) 10

Due to Space limitation at website hence it only can show 1 timing. please note that this is a 2-day course: 

Date:  20 & 21 June 2024, Thursday & Friday  

Time: 20 June 2024 2024 via zoom(Virtual) from 2.00pm to 5.15pm 

          21 June 2024 2024 at Orchard Hotel Singapore(Physical) 9.00am to 5.45pm (Buffet Lunch at Cafe)

Supervision of Underground Projects with Deep Excavation & Bored Tunneling (6 Hours)

Part 1: Supervision of ERSS and GBW Works for Deep Excavation Projects (2 Hours)

This session will give an introduction to the various types of temporary work for deep excavation projects.  These temporary works are either classified as Earth Retaining & Stabilising System (ERSS) or Geotechnical Building Work (GBW) by BCA depending on the excavation depth and retained height.  It is important to first understand the key factors affecting the design safety of the various types of ERSS and GBW, in order to be able to carry out the necessary supervision of these ERSS and GBW.  Therefore participants will be able to learn the important features of these types of ERSS and GBW design concept and construction sequence in this session.  The participants will also learn about the process of deep excavation management including managing the instrumentation & monitoring, and managing the groundwater control and ground settlement.  This 2 hour session will prepare the participants to be able to have good understanding of the deep excavation project and thus 

Part 2:  BCA Regulatory Framework for Supervision of Deep Excavation Projects Illustrated with Case Histories (1 Hour)

There are many current underground projects in Singapore such as Mass Rapid Transit (MRT) Thomson East Coast Line (TEL), North South Corridor (NSC) highway, Deep Tunnel Sewerage System (DTSS), Singapore Power Underground Substation (UGSS), underground drainage, sewerage and water pipelines projects. Hence it is very important to have a comprehensive and clear regulatory framework to ensure deep excavation underground projects are carried out in a safe manner and the supervision of deep excavation underground projects are well managed.  This session will illustrate the BCA regulatory framework in Singapore for design submission approval and construction supervision and management of deep excavation projects.  This session will use some case histories to illustrate some of the more commonly encountered regulations to be complied with and it will also highlight some of the latest guidelines for supervision of deep excavation projects. 

Part 3:  Basic Principles and Key Performance Indicators for Supervision of Bored Tunneling & Pipe Jacking Works (2 Hours)

In this session, the participants will learn about the basic principles of segmental lining bored tunneling with Earth Pressure Balance Machine (EPBM) and Slurry Shield tunnel boring machine(Slurry TBM), as well as pipe jacking micro tunnel boring machine.  With this understanding, the participants will next learn about the various Key Performance Indicator (KPI) for the safe bore tunneling process using bored tunnel machine (TBM).  KPI for bored tunneling is important to ensure that the tunneling is safe and does not have adverse impact to the adjacent ground and buildings.  The participants will learn about the sequence of work for bored tunneling from construction of TBM shaft, erection of reaction frame, temporary rings, initial drive and main drive. This will equip the participant the necessary basic knowledge in supervision of bore tunneling works. 

Part 4:  BCA Regulatory Framework for Supervision of Tunneling Projects Illustrated with Case Histories (1 Hour)

It is very important to have a comprehensive and clear regulatory framework to ensure bored tunnelling underground projects are carried out in a safe manner and the supervision of these tunnelling underground projects are well managed.  This session will illustrate the BCA regulatory framework in Singapore for design submission approval and construction supervision and management for bored tunnelling works.  This session will use some case histories to illustrate some of the more commonly encountered regulations to be complied with and it will also highlight some of the latest guidelines for supervision of bored tunnelling works. 

Speaker Profile                   

Er David Ng is a Professional Engineer (Civil) and Specialist Professional Engineer (Geotechnical) in Singapore.  He has been involved in publication of more than 70 technical papers in the field of geotechnical and environmental engineering. He has more than 20 years of experience in management, planning, design and construction of major infrastructure and transportation projects in Singapore, Malaysia and India. He is co-founder of One Smart Engineering Pte Ltd which has offices and operations in Singapore, Malaysia and India. 

Part II: Safe Entry & Work in Confined Spaces Entry & Work – 2nd Edition (4 Hours)

Confined space work is one of the most serious of all workplace hazards but is also one that is oftenunder-estimated. The unfortunate reality is that many stakeholders and workers do not fully understand the hazards and the risks that are “hidden” in confined spaces until actual entry and work needs to be performed in them. The objective of this module is to inculcate and raise awareness in participants (especially Resident Engineers, Resident Technical Officers and Resident Architects) on the hazards of confined space entry and work that are present in construction sites. This will enable them to understand the control measures that are implemented onsite to mitigate confined space hazards. Their perspectives will be enhanced through the sharing of legal and other requirements on confined space entry and work as well as accident case studies.

Course Outline/Outcomes:
This module will equip RE/RTOs (QSS) with the necessary WSH knowledge (including legal and other requirements for their course of work.

  • Definitions of confined spaces and examples of confined spaces 
  • Common confined space hazards onsite 
  • Lessons learnt from past confined space accidents / case studies 
  • Legal and other requirements relevant to confined space entry and work 
  • Good practices and control measures for confined space entry and work 
  • Risk management and risk assessment 
  • Permit to work system for confined space entry and work   

Profile of Speaker
Er. Winson Lee is a Principal Engineer at the Building Plans and Management Group of the Building and Construction Authority. He graduated with a Bachelor’s degree in Mechanical Engineering from the National University of Singapore in 2005. After graduation, he joined the Occupational Safety and Health Division, Ministry of Manpower (MOM) where he subsequently obtained a Master’s degree in Safety, Health and Environmental Technology from his alma mater in 2009.

Er. Lee had served the Ministry of Manpower from 2006 where he led inspectors in conducting workplace safety and health inspections and audits, conducting investigations into serious and fatal industrial accidents, prosecuting culpable parties under the WSH Act and its Regulations. Having joined the Building and Construction Authority in 2012 after

serving a brief stint as a Senior Workplace Safety and Health (WSH) Manager in the private sector, he assumes regulatory role by enforcing the Amusement Rides Safety Act.

Er. Lee obtained his Professional Engineer status in 2012 under the new Professional Engineer registration framework since 2006. He had passed the Fundamentals of Engineering Examinations, the Practice of Professional Engineering Examinations and the Professional Engineers Board interview panel all in one sitting. He  subsequently obtained his Specialist Professional Engineer status in Amusement Rides Engineering in 2013.

As an MOM Authorised Examiner in lifting equipment, Er. Lee’s interest lies in lifting and hoisting operations as well as WSH risk management. He previously conducts presentations to the industry on WSH matters and currently conducts in-house training courses in WSH. Er. Lee is a member of the Working Group for SS595, Singapore Standard for Steel Wire Ropes for hoisting (formerly known as CP 35 and SS297) and for Singapore Standard SS343, Specifications for Lifting Gears.

Important Notes

  1. This is a blended course comprising 3 hours of zoom session and 7 hours of physical course at hotel.

  2. This course is UTAP and SFC Supported TGS-2022017485

  3. For information on UTAP & SkillsFuture(SFC)please click HERE

  4. Please CHOOSE 'PAY LATER" AT CHECK OUT if you wish to allocate SFC to offset the course fee, to allocate SFC please click:

  5. Upon allocation please screenshot or take picture of the following and email to 1) Course Date 2) Course Title 3) Claim ID 4) Claim Amount

Please click HERE for course flyer


Union Training Assistance Programme(UTAP) - Approved 

SkillsFuture Credit (SFC) Supported - TGS-2022017485


2 STU(Safety) & 6 STU(Structural) - Confirmed

10 PDU(PEB & CENG) - To Be Confirmed

This course DO NOT HAVE SDU points

Coordinator    Karen Phua
Coordinator Contact No.     6463 9211 / 6461 1239
Coordinator E-mail
  1. Fee inclusive of GST, course materials & 2 Coffee Breaks & 1 Lunch at Cafe. 
  2. Course Fee to be made at least 21 days prior to event date in order to secure the seats failing which seats will be auto-release without further reminder   
  3. Certificate of Attendance will be given to PAID participants with 100% attendance.
  4. We accept payments via AXS, ATM, PAYNOW, Bank Transfer & Internet Transfer 
  5. Hotel will be Orchard Hotel or Similar Class
  6. Limited Seats Only - Please register early to avoid Disappointment  


Yet to be allocated
Ref: IESA-P0000001-1264

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