Membership Grade


The table below lists the various IES membership grades and their qualifications. To find out more about the fees payable for each grade, please click here.


Membership Grade


Designatory Letters

Honorary Fellows

Honorary Fellows shall be distinguished and eminent persons whose membership shall in opinion of the Council add prestige to or advance the interests of the Institution. Honorary Fellowship shall only be conferred by the Council.






Fellows shall be persons:  
(i) who are not less than 35 years and have been Members of the Institution for a period of three years, or in the case of candidates who possess the qualifications for election to Membership, the Council may waive the stipulation as to their having Members; and 

(ii) who have been engaged for at least 5 years in a senior position of responsibility in engineering and have made a distinguished contribution to the profession or of equivalent standing; and have satisfied the Council that they are worthy of election as Fellows.
(iiii) In exceptional cases, Council may decide to waive or reduce the requirements of (i) and (ii) above. However, the reasons to do so must be documented and maintained in IES files for future reference.


(iv) The proposer shall provide a citation on the achievements of the candidate, under separate cover to the Honorary Secretary, IES. Examples of contributions worthy of citation are:-

  • Prominent achievements in a field of engineering in Singapore, as evidenced by work done and position attained.
  • Significant contributions to the development of engineering education in Singapore.
  • Pioneering in the establishment of a new area of engineering work in Singapore.
  • Worldwide recognition of expertise in particular fields of engineering. Fellowships in established institutions shall be a factor to be considered, although it is not an automatic qualification for fellowship.
  • Service to the Institution on the Council (work and contributions to be cited).
  • Service to the Institution on the committees and sub-committees.
  • Service to the Institution on special projects. 



Senior Members shall be persons:
(i) who are not less than 32 years of age and have been Members of the Institution for a period of three years, or in special instance of such shorter period as the Council may approve, provided  that in the case of candidates who possess the qualifications for election to Membership, the Council may waive the stipulation as to their having been Members; and
(ii) who have been engaged for at least 10 years in a position of responsibility in engineering and have made a distinguished contribution to the profession, or are of equivalent standing; and have satisfied the Council that they are worthy of election as Senior Members.



Members shall be persons: 
(i) who are engineering graduates of recognized universities or colleges, or in possession of an equivalent qualification thereto, or
(ii) who are not less than 35 years of age, who have had suitable education and training as qualified engineers, who have had at least 10 years employment in positions of full responsibility in the design and execution of important engineering work, and who, in addition, have satisfied the Council that they are worthy of election as Members.



Associates shall be persons who either:

(i) possess a Diploma in an engineering-related discipline or equivalent; or


(ii) possess a NITEC in an engineering-related disicpline; or


(iii) have had at least five years experience in a responsible position in engineering,


and, or who, in association with engineering, science or the arts or otherwise are capable to interact with engineering professionals in the advancement of engineering-related work.



Students shall be persons who are undergoing a recognised engineering course, or persons of equivalent academic standing.  This is applicable  for local universities (degree) and local polytechnics (diploma).