EEO Assessor - SCEM Steering Committee
The Steering Committee formulates policies and maintains a system of governance on matters pertaining to training, development and registration of SCEMs.
It is co-chaired by:
Dr Lock Kai Sang representing The Institution of Engineers, Singapore (IES) and Mr Suresh K representing the National Environment Agency (NEA).
The members of the steering committee are as follows:
Appointment | Organisation | Representative |
Co-Chairs | The Institution of Engineers, Singapore (IES) | Lock Kai Sang |
National Environment Agency (NEA) | Suresh K | |
Members | National Environment Agency (NEA) | Goh Chee Tiong |
Singapore Chemical Industry Council (SCIC) | David Sugiman | |
Sustainable Energy Association of Singapore (SEAS) | Kavita Gandhi | |
Economic Development Board (EDB) | Desmond Li | |
EEO Assessor – SCEM Monitoring Committee Chairman | Norman Lee | |
Former National Climate Change Committee (Industry Sub-Committee) | Josephine Kwa | |
SkillsFuture Singapore (SSG) | Lalithaa Maniam | |
C&E Board Chairman | Tseng King Jet | |
Biopharmaceutical Manufacturers Advisory Committee (BMAC) | Lee Kum Chin | |
Singapore Semiconductor Industry Association (SSIA) | Ang Wee Seng | |
IES Academy | Andy Ong | |
Building and Construction Authority (BCA) | Jeffery Neng |
EEO Assessor - SCEM Monitoring Committee
The registry committee oversees the registration and certification of Singapore Certified Energy Managers and EEO Assessors.
It is chaired by Mr Norman Lee representing IES.
The members of the committee are:
Dr Sharmilal Jayamaha | |
Er. Goh Chee Tiong | |
Mr Tan Guan Qun | |