- AER Country Register - Singapore


Registrar : 

Er. Simon Lee

Alternate Registrar : 

Mr Eric Toh

Members :

53 Registered Members

Objectives of the AER

i. To facilitate the mobility and professional practice of its engineers within the ASEAN ambit by establishing a framework of mutual recognition qualifications amongst the ASEAN member countries whereby AER engineers who wish to practice outside of their home country may carry with them an approved and recognized professional qualifications;


ii. To safeguard and promote the professional interests of engineers;


iii. To establish a database of the capability profile of the individual engineers in order that prospective employers from member countries may engage their services;


iv. To uphold the quality and standing of its Engineers by facilitating and implementing continuous improvement through the setting, monitoring and reviewing of standards;


v. To promote cultural and professional links among members of the engineering profession within ASEAN;


vi. To enhance the wealth creation process of ASEAN countries.


(based on proceedings approved at CAFEO24 on 30 Nov 2006)

The minimum requirements for an applicant to be admitted into the AER are as stated below:


i. MUST possess an Engineering Degree recognised by IES;


ii. MUST be a CORPORATE MEMBER of IES and licensed to practice engineering in Singapore;


iii. MUST have a minimum of seven (7) years of post-graduate professional working experience in an engineering environment, of which two (2) years of experience must involve a position-in-charge of significant works;


iv. MUST maintain his professional development at an acceptable level;


v. MUST agree to be guided by the ASEAN Engineers Code of Practice.

i. Code of Ethics


ii. Accreditation Procedure


iii. Professional Assessment Examinations


iv. Continuing Professional Development (CPD)


v. Policy Statement of Design Code and Standards: addressing the Essential Requirements such as Safety, Health and the Environment for human, animals, plants and properties.

  • Kindly complete the application form and email to: aer@iesnet.org.sg

  • On successful registration with the AER, you will then be provided with a username and password to update your database comprising your personal particulars, your experience and capability profile. This database will be open to 'searches' on the world wide web.


Entrance Fee: USD 15.00

Life Membership Subscription: USD 200.00

AER Membership Card: USD 5.00

Total Fees Payable: USD 220.00  ( SGD 300 )


Singapore Country Registrar

For enquires regarding the ASEAN Engineers Register (AER), please contact our Country Registrar / Alt. Country Registrar:

Mr Eric Toh
Email: aer@iesnet.org.sg



AER Application Form
ASEAN Engineering Register


Updated August 2024