Standards Development



IES - Standards Development Organisation

The Institution of Engineers, Singapore (IES) has been appointed by Enterprise Singapore, the national standards body, as the Standards Development Organisation (SDO) to provide secretariat support for the Building and Construction Standards Committee (BCSC) from January 2015, and the Technical Committee on Railway Systems (TCRS) from March 2020.

The BCSC supports the quality, safety and productivity initiatives in the Singapore building and construction industry. The Committee also supports standardisation development in emerging areas of importance in Singapore such as Smart Infrastructure and Green Buildings.

Under the purview of the BCSC, various Technical Committees and Working Groups are formed to look into developing and promoting the adoption of new standards and technical references.

These committees spearhead the development of standards related to the building and construction industry. They also actively monitor and participate in the development and review of international standards that are of importance to Singapore.

The TCRS looks at developing new standards and technical references, specifically for the operations and maintenance of railway systems to enhance the safety, reliability and productivity of railway systems in Singapore. The TCRS sits under the purview of the Trade and Connectivity Standards Committee, currently administered by Enterprise Singapore.

Guided by the industry-led Singapore Standards Council, IES-SDO administers and supports the development, promotion and adoption of standards, to meet the needs of the industry and regulators.

IES-SDO has been actively engaging IES members, industry partners and stakeholders for the promotion and adoption of standards for the building and construction community in Singapore. We also organise and participate in many outreach activities and programmes to promote the Singapore Standards. They include leadership and standards education talks at Institutions of Higher Learning, symposiums, overseas study trips, and many other events such as the National Engineers Day Exhibition and World Engineers Summit.

For more information on the Singapore Standardisation Programme, please refer to


IES-SDO Events

21 March 2023

Seminar on SS 333:2022 Specification on Fire Dampers
Click this link for the event photos.
Click here for the full event video.   


Case Studies on Adoption of Singapore Standards

24 September 2024 Fast Flow Systems Pte Ltd: Adoption of SS 525 addresses drainage issues from wind-driven rain (WDR)
24 September 2024 TR 25: 2022 - Driving Innovation in EV Battery Swapping
27 March 2024 Bekaert Singapore Pte Ltd: SS 674 Providing Concrete Evidence of Better Designs and Better Solutions
23 March 2023 Ecoliving System Pte Ltd: SS 554 An Integral Part in the Aftermath of COVID-19 Pandemic


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