IES/ACES Lift & Escalator Inspector Registry


About the Lift & Escalator Inspector (LEI) Registry and LEI Certification Scheme

Currently, all lifts and escalators in Singapore are required to be inspected annually by Authorised Examiners (AEs) or Specialist Professional Engineers, trained in the branch of lifts and escalators [SPE (L&E), from 15 July 2019] for the purpose of the renewal of the Permit-to-Operate (PTO).

With increasing number of lifts and escalators in Singapore and the additional job scope for the SPE (L&E)s, BCA (Building and Construction Authority) has worked with IES (The Institution of Engineers, Singapore) and ACES (Association of Consulting Engineers) to introduce a Lift and Escalator Inspector (LEI) scheme which accredits personnel to assist the SPEs in carrying out of their duties and to build up the pool of lift and escalator experts who possess necessary L&E knowledge and inspection skills and who can assist SPEs on the inspection of the L&E installation and maintenance work.

The registry encourages eligible degree holders to join L&E industry and gain deeper experience in experience in L&E and then pursue their PE/SPE.


L&E Inspectors (LEI)





[1] Qualification (Professional or Academic)


  • Work-Study Diploma in Vertical Transportation (WSDip-VT) from ITE


  • Diploma in Mechanical Engineering or Electrical Engineering from local Polytechnics



  • Mechanical Engineering / Electrical Engineering degrees not recognised by PEB

Degree in Mechanical Engineering / Electrical Engineering recognised by PEB

PE (Mechanical) or PE (Electrical)

[2] Years of L&E experience

≥ 6 years

≥ 3 years


[3] Course and Registry Examinations

Pass the LEI training course conducted by IESA or BCAA, or passed the LEE course conducted by BCAA (or other BCA-recognised course) and a registration examination set by JAC.


For registration of LEI course, you may contact the following:

Temasek Polytechnic - Email: / Nancie Neo (DID: 6461 1238; Email:

BCA Academy - Jenny Tan (DID: 6248 9828; Email:

Please note that your application will be rejected if:

  • Additional supporting documents are not provided to IES within one (1) month from the submission of your application.
  • IES reserves the right to not disclose any remarks pertaining to the submitted project details and practical work experience.

Click here to download the LEI Registration Form.


You may submit the form, together with all supporting documents, by Email to:

For enquiries related to your application, please contact the Secretariat at:

Tel: 6469 5000

Fax: 6467 1108


Requirements for renewal of accreditation as LEI

1. Every LEI who wishes to renew his/her LEI accreditation with the Joint Accreditation Committee (JAC) (LEI) for the year commencing 1 Jan 2022, and annually thereafter, is required to have obtained a minimum of six (6) STU (LEI) annually from attending courses approved by the JAC (LEI).

2. The requirement of 6 STU (LEI) is equivalent to 6 hours of training obtained from attending courses approved by the JAC (LEI)


Carrying over of excess STU (LEI)

3. If an LEI has obtained more than the minimum number of STU (LEI) required for renewal of his/her accreditation, the excess number of STU (LEI), subject to a cap of 6 STU (LEI) can be brought forward for use in the renewal of accreditation for the following year.

For example:

Total STU (LEI) attained in 2021 No. of STU (LEI) used for Renewal 2022 No. of STU (LEI) carried forward for Renewal 2023 (Max CAP at 6)
 15 6 6


Insufficient STU for renewal of accreditation

1. LEI who have not obtained sufficient STU (LEI) as at 31 Dec 2021 to meet the requirement for renewal of his/her accreditation may renew his/her accreditation on the condition that the shortfall in STU (LEI) is obtained during the following year, i.e. 2022. Up to a maximum of 6 STU (LEI) shortfalls are allowed. Any shortfall of more than 6 STU (LEI) will not be allowed for renewal.

STU (LEI) obtained in that following year will first be used to meet the shortfall, and the remaining can be used for the renewal of accreditation for the subsequent year.

For example:

Total STU (LEI) attained No. of STU (LEI) used for Renewal 2022 No. of STU (LEI) shortfall  for 2022 No. of STU (LEI) required for Renewal 2023
 4 4 2 8


  1. Please allow up to 3 to 4 weeks for processing of your renewal application during peak period and two weeks under normal circumstances.

  2. The validity period for a training certificate or proof of attendance is 2 years from the date issued.

  3. Queries may be directed to the LEI Registry. | Phone: 6460 4242


All renewal applications must be submitted online via the following link:

Documents required and payment amount:

1. Proof of attendance or certificates obtained for courses awarded 6 STU (LEI)

2. Renewal Fee: $185.30 (including 9% GST)


Registration Charges
Application Fee (one-time, non-refundable) $120.00
Registration Fee (for full period of registration, if application is successful) $170.00 (Registration period: 1 year)

Commitee Structure


Er. S Yogeeswaran (IES)

Er. Yeow Mei Leng (ACES)

Er. Hashim Mansoor (BCA)



Er. Lim Kwee Guan (IES)

Er. Joshua Loke (ACES)

Er. Nick Yeo (BCA)

Er. Tan Kee Cheong (BCA)



Ms Ang Chai Hoon (IES)

Ms Siti Syahirah (IES)

List of Accredited Lift & Escalator Inspectors (LEI)
STU (LEI) Approved Course List


For Enquiries, Please Email: