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Announcements, Events, and News

IES Surveys

1. Logo: The IES Repositioning Project Office seeks your opinions on changing the IES logo to reflect our new aspirations in the years to come. Kindly fill in the IES Logo Survey by 12 Nov 2021 (Fri). 

2. Members and Committee Engagement: IES would like to gain a deeper understanding of your interests and needs so that we can draw up future events and initiatives that are relevant and meaning to you. Kindly fill in the Engagement Survey Form by 19 Nov 2021 (Fri).

Thank you for your valuable feedback!


NED 2021 - Join in on the talks and workshops lined up for you next week to learn more about engineering!

With the theme Engineering for the New Normal, the 12th NED aims to encourage and ignite students’ passion in engineering so they can make a difference in the post-pandemic world by building upon their STEM foundation and moving towards an engineering career.

Join us for a second week of celebrating engineering and sharing knowledge, by tuning in to the various talks and workshops we have lined up for you! Simply visit the links below, click on the topics that interest you most, and join the conversation on Zoom!

For Insightful Talks, please click HERE
For Interactive Workshops, please click HERE


Young Engineers Career Series Webinar #5: Pathway to Chartered Engineering: 29 Nov 2021 (Mon), 7.00pm - 8.30pm 

The 5th webinar in the Young Engineer Career Series features Mr Yee Boon Cheow, MIES, CEng (S'pore), Group Director of Rail Assets, Operations, and Maintenance and the Rail, Electrical and Mechanical Group at LTA. Mr Yee will be speaking about some aspects of railway engineering, and introduce the pathways to the CEng (S'pore) certification.

For more information and to register, please click HERE.


From Engineer to Technopreneur: The Journey and Challenges: 7 Dec 2021 (Tue), 11.00am - 1.00pm
This webinar is brought to you by the IES Technopreneurship Development Committee.

In this webinar, graced by Mr Zaqy Mohamad, Senior Minister of State for Defence and Manpower, we bring together some distinguished Singaporean technopreneurs and investors to share and discuss their experiences from their investing and technopreneurship journey.

IES Members who sign up for this webinar from now till 23 Nov will gain complimentary access to all events, talks and conferences that are part of the Singapore Week of Innovation and Technology (SWITCH), organised by Enterprise Singapore. Apply the promo code IESSWITCH at registration to enjoy this benefit, while stocks last!

For more information, please click HERE.
To register, please click HERE.


Technopreneur Course in Deep-Technology Engineering Ventures: 
23 Nov 2021, 9.00am - 5.30pm

CPD: 6 PDU (PE, CEng)

Looking to invest or start a deep tech venture? This is the course IES Members, engineers, and mentors should not miss! The trainer, Mr Foo Kim Peng is a very experienced investor with many insights to share about starting, running and investing in Deep Tech ventures, and will impart a deeper understanding of the Singapore tech ecosystem. He has been the past Executive Director of i-Space Innovations, a mentor with NUS Enterprise since 2016 and taught an Entrepreneurship module  at SUTD between 2018 and 2019.

For more information and to register, please click HERE.

1. Circular on Accreditation Framework for Built Environment Professionals
IES / IESA CPD Courses & Events
Date   Event   CPD Points

24 Nov (Wed)
1500 - 1800

Launch of New Technical Reference in Railway - Terminology and abbreviations for the Permanent Way (TR 81 : 2020), Maintenance regime for the Permanent Way (TR 85 : 2021), and Maintenance of vehicle gauges for railway (TR 90 : 2021)

STU (Struct)

(All TBC)


25 Nov (Thu)
1500 - 1730

Digital Transformation and Asset Management: Creating Value with Data Science and Intelligent Enterprise Asset Management

29 Nov (Mon)
0900 - 1315

[WEBINAR] Working Safely at Height (3rd Run)
2 STU (Safety)
4 PDU (PE)

(All TBC)


29 Nov (Mon)
1400 - 1730

Launch of SS 674 : 2021 New Singapore Standard on Fibre concrete - Design of fibre concrete structures
STU (Struct)

(All TBC)


30 Nov (Tue)
1600 - 1800

Improving Construction Safety and Health Through Technology Adoption
STU (Safety)
PDU (PE, CEng)

(All TBC)


2 Dec (Thu)
0830 - 1900

Certificate of Competency in Earth Control Measures for Construction Site Personnel (CoC ECM) (186th Run)
6 STU (Struct)
7 PDU (PE)

(All TBC)

10 Dec (Fri)
0900 - 1730

ABC Waters Professionals Course Elective Module EU2 (Design, Construction, and Maintenance of Constructed Wetlands - Horizontal Flow and Floating Wetlands)
(All TBC)


13 Dec (Mon)
0900 - 1730

Technical Selling to the Engineering Industry (2nd Run)

16, 17 Dec
0900 - 1245

[WEBINAR] Formwork Design and Safety with Code of Practice SS580:2020 QSS (5th Run)
2 STU (Safety)
3 STU (Struct)
6 PDU (PE)

(All TBC)

Industry Happenings

NTUC U PME Webinar Survey

NTUC's U PME Webinar series, launched in April 2020 amidst COVID-19, was set up to engage PMEs virtually as physical sessions were discontinued. 
As 2021 draws to a close, NTUC would like to take this opportunity to reach out and understand the needs of IES members and plan their engagement platform topics to address those needs.
Kindly assist to fill in their survey 
HERE. Thank you.
Members' Benefits
Looking to breathe new life into your career?
The following companies are looking for engineering professionals:
  • M1 Limited (New positions listed!)
  • Tritech Consultants Pte Ltd 
  • TW-ASIA Consultants Pte Ltd 
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