View this email in your browser                                                                                           6 Jul 2018

Announcements, Events, and News
Sign up as a Tech Expert at the Intellectual Property Intermediary (IPI) TechExpert Portal today!
The IES Technopreneur Development Committee has signed an MOU with Intellectual Property Intermediary (an affiliate of Enterprise Singapore). Both parties are collaborating on the TechExpert portal, a matching platform that aims to match industries that are facing innovation challenges with the right technical expertise. 

Engineers with over 10 years of experience in: Chemicals, Electronics, Energy, Environment, Food, Healthcare, Infocomm, Life Sciences, Logistics, Manufacturing, Materials, Personal Care and Waste Management are welcome to sign up as a TechExpert HERE.
Effective Communication Workshop: 11 July 2018 (Wed), 6.30pm - 8.30pm, Singapore Polytechnic
Organised by the IES Young Engineers Committee

Sign up for this activity-based session if you are curious to learn more about yourself and others, and how we can help the communicator in us shine through more often.
For more information, please click HERE.
Enquiries may be directed to Ms Agnes Ong at or 6461 1228.
Inter-Professional Games (IPG) 2018 Recruitment
It's time for the annual IPG once again! This is a battle royale between accountants, architects, doctors, engineers, lawyers, and the surveyors and valuers for sporting glory. For the 2018 edition, two new sports will be added: Darts and Futsal.
IES clinched the basketball, snooker and golf titles last year, and came in 2nd for bowling too. To do even better, we need you! If you're keen to represent IES, please sign up HERE. We will contact you regarding practice sessions soon!
Engineering a First World: 50 Feats that Transformed Singapore - Get your copy TODAY! -

This exquisite coffee table book tells the stories from engineers behind Singapore's 50 greatest engineering feats, and offers an exclusive behind-the-scenes look into the challenges faced by our unsung heroes. It is available for purchase at IES at $51.35 (inclusive of GST) per copyAlternatively, you may make payment via AXS (Remarks: 50 Feats Book Purchase) and collect your book(s) with the AXS receipt at IES or IES Academy @ Jurong East.

For more information, please call 6461 1246 or 6460 4244 between 9.00am and 6.00pm.
CAFEO 36: 12 - 14 Nov 2018, Resorts World Sentosa

Hosted by IES, CAFEO 36 will bring ASEAN’s engineering community together to focus on two issues: Engineering Rail Connectivity and Fostering Excellence in Engineering Education. It will be an opportunity to meet some 1,000 engineering professionals from 30 countries across the entire value chain. For more info, visit
Courses / Seminars / Talks / Workshops
Date   Event   Points

11 Jul (Wed)
0900 - 1400

ABC Waters - Towards Resilience, Liveability, and Sustainability in Design & ABC Waters Certification 2018


2 PDU (IES CEng)
2 PDU (PE)


20 Jul (Fri)
1300 - 1700

Building Sustainable and Resilient Cities in Asia

2 Aug (Thu)
1815 - 2215

Enhancing DfS Implementation
2 STU (Safety)
3 PDU (PE)


30, 31 Aug
0900 - 1700

Design for Safety for Professionals (DfSP) 25th Run - Two Day DfSP Certifiable Course
13 SDU
11 PDU (PE)

4 STU (Safety)


0900 - 1800

Singapore Certified Energy Manager Course, Professional Level (SCEM) (4 Core + 2 Elective Modules) (e2i Grant Supported)
Refer to website
Other News/Events

RE & RTO Engagement with BCA (Facade Safety), 30 Jul 2018, 5.30pm - 7.30pm, BCA HQ @ Jem Building

BCA invites all interested REs and RTO to attend this engagement session on the implementation of the facade inspection regime in Singapore.

For more information, please click HERE.


The Singapore WSH Conference 2018, 29 - 30 Aug 2018, Suntec Singapore

Use the promo code WSH-RF-D-IES to enjoy a preferential rate of
$680 for the 2-day conference pass. Applicable only to IES Members. 

For more information and to register, please click 


Joint IES-CILTS Study Trip - Transportation Engineering Wonders and One Belt, One Road Logistics Transformation: 13 - 20 Sep 2018, China; (PDUs TBC)
Applications close 1 Aug 2018

The 8D7N study trip will bring participants to sites in Changsha, Quiyang, Chongqing, Yichang and Wuhan.

For more information, please click HERE.
Members' Benefits
Looking to breathe new life into your career?

Join us at IES! Positions available:
  • Manager / Assistant Manager, Technical Committees
  • Programme Director, IES Academy
  • Executive, Membership
The following companies are looking for engineering professionals:
  • Alliance Consulting Engineers Pte Ltd
  • Ramboll Studio Dreiseitl Pte Ltd
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